Create a new account

Create a new account to apply for jobs, check on the status of your applications and set up job notification emails.

Enter your details below. To help keep your details safe, please choose a password that:

  • is at least 9 characters long
  • contains at least 2 special characters
  • contains at least 2 uppercase letters
  • contains at least 2 lowercase letters
  • contains at least 2 numbers

The University is committed to being transparent about how it handles your personal data and to this aim we have a Privacy Notice for individuals who are applying for employment at Cranfield University via our jobs portal.

The Privacy Notice sets out the ways in which Cranfield University collects, uses, stores and shares your data. It also sets out how long we keep your data and what rights you have in relation to your data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and who to contact if you need further information.

Our privacy notice for job applicants

Please note you will need to confirm that you have read the privacy notice before you are able to proceed.